Why Donate to Henderson Libraries

Why Henderson Libraries Need YOU

It’s a common myth that Libraries get the majority of funding from the local, state, or federal governments and taxes. While some state money does help support your local libraries, it’s not as much as you think! Plus, these dollars can be inconsistent and prone to cuts—and for most libraries, a very small portion of the overall budget. The vast majority of library budgets come from local sources—state and federal dollars usually make up the smallest portion. Local dollars make up the majority of budgets for almost all American public libraries, including Henderson Libraries.

Local dollars make up the majority of budgets for almost all American public libraries, including Henderson Libraries.

What about grants? Many public libraries receive local, state and federal grants to pay for everything from renovations to specific programs. These dollars cannot be used for anything but what’s specified in the grant. That leaves a great need for funding in many other areas of operation.

There is a lot that goes on at a library besides what patrons see—such as planning, purchasing, cataloging, training, marketing, maintenance and community partnership activities. The new technology now available through your local library costs money and, often, creates many ongoing charges—and the need for more technology-savvy staff. Also, access to this technology has increased library traffic, making it even more important to maintain and evolve the library building and staff skills.

The Henderson Libraries have several amazing volunteer groups who help with its funding. The Friends of Henderson Libraries raise money with a focus on supporting services and programs. Some of their fundraising activities include book sales and the Library Tree Lane project. The Henderson Libraries Foundation focuses on larger donations via gifts, grants, and bequests to fund projects that often deal with the library’s development. The Foundation’s donation pillars range anywhere from capital projects (renovations, expansions, and new library buildings) to obtaining collections, outreach & technology services, and scholarships.

The Foundation’s donation pillars range anywhere from capital projects (renovations, expansions, and new library buildings) to obtaining collections, outreach & technology services, and scholarships.

Even though all public libraries are funded by some combination of local, state and federal dollars, the mix is unique. The idea that “public libraries are free” sounds very enticing, but it’s simply not true.  Public libraries are paid for by their community in order to create services for said community. Our Henderson Libraries Foundation is passionate about finding resources to assist and promote interest in the library’s development. We do this by obtaining financial contributions over and above the annual operating fund—by reaching out to our community for help.

The library is a critical resource for our past, present, and future. Consider donating today or becoming a sponsor, as every dollar counts!

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